Financial Support
Prairie Pregnancy Support Centre depends on the generous support of individuals, families, churches and corporations in order to run our programs.
Our mission is to care for those in Central Plains facing unplanned pregnancy – this could be your daughter. Or maybe your niece. Maybe the young girl who works at your favorite restaurant. We want to be there for these women and those around her who are impacted, to provide a safe place for them as they face one of the most difficult decisions of their lives. We can only do that through the practical support of partners like you.
Your generous donations help serve the community through our programs for clients in Central Plains. 100% of our annual revenue comes from private donations. All donations are gratefully received, and any donation over $10 will receive a tax receipt.
You can help and serve Central Plains and the surrounding area by donating today.
We can accept eTransfer to (please place your mailing address in the memo if you would like a tax receipt issued to you), Paypal, or Canada Helps (Just a little note on the differences - eTransfer does not cost us anything to receive your donation, PayPal gives you the option to cover the processing costs, and Canada Helps charges us a fee to accept your gift). You can also send a cheque, drop off cash or contact us directly if you’d like to set up a monthly donation with no processing fees.
Or contact us by:
Phone – (204) 240-4357
Mail – Box 382, Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 3B7
Email -
We respect and are committed to protecting the privacy of our donors.
Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the Board of Directors. Each restricted contribution designated towards such an approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most.
The Prairie Pregnancy Support Centre is a Registered Charity with the Canadian Revenue Agency (#70359 3327 RR0001), incorporated in Canada, and has received the seal of approval from the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities. T3010s are available upon request. For further information, please contact Executive Director, Mary Loewen at (204) 240-4357 or
Help her be brave.